Customer Service and Engagement

Accelerate Issue Resolution With Case Management

Strengthen customer relationships by proactively handling order issues to resolve them fast and minimize customer impact with Manhattan Customer Engagement’s Case Management.

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Case Management

While many customer inquiries and issues can be resolved quickly – often within a single interaction – situations arise where they require further investigation to find a resolution. Providing exceptional service, and maintaining customer satisfaction, means proactively managing these complex issues to quickly achieve a resolution.

Manhattan’s Customer Service and Engagement technology empowers customer service representatives (CSRs) with robust case management tools, enhancing their efficiency in resolving complex issues, such as finding a lost shipment. These capabilities are included in Manhattan’s Contact Center solution, providing a unified view of customers, orders and cases to empower CSRs to resolve inquiries quickly and accurately.

The native link between case management and Manhattan Active® Order Management allows CSRs to work within a single interface and eliminates the need to juggle between systems. This cohesiveness significantly improves both the quality and efficiency of service.

Critically, Manhattan Active Order Management’s order orchestration automatically creates cases in case management for order exceptions, such as payment failures or delivery delays, which trigger a CSR to follow up with the customer. With Manhattan's case management capabilities, retailers can deliver enhanced service, creating more enduring relationships.

Team-Based Ticketing and Assignment

Case management supports team-based ticketing, enabling a highly organized approach. Users can filter and sort by team to view cases or automatically see open cases with greater visibility and efficiency.

Retailers can automatically assign cases to a team based on a category and subcategory. Case due dates can also be automatically calculated based on importance. For example, high-priority cases are due in 8 hours, and low-priority cases are due in 48 hours.   

Case Creation Templates

Case creation templates help CSRs capture the critical information needed to manage each instance. Essential information, such as a customer’s email address, is always required when creating or updating cases, while other information can be modified based on the category. For example, a payment transaction ID would be mandated for fraud cases, but not for others.

Case Resolution Guidance

To support fast and accurate resolution, Manhattan’s case management technology provides detailed instructions to guide CSRs. This capability offers them scripts or standard operating procedures for handling specific scenarios.

Systematic guidance is available to CSRs on applicable appeasements associated with customer issues, improving efficiency and consistency. For example, CSRs can be directed to apply a 100% package-level appeasement when customers report a lost shipment, which refunds customers for the total value of the items in their order. Configuration allows the retailer to control what types of charges should be refunded (e.g., shipping and handling, value-added services, other charges).

Case Resolution Performance Management

Manhattan’s solution provides customer service managers with an intuitive dashboard to monitor case management performance. Managers can see open, resolved and unassigned cases, as well as those that have missed their service-level agreement. Performance visualizations, such as case-count-per-category and cases-resolved-per-customer as well as priority type, help managers evaluate the effectiveness of a contact center’s processes.

Key Takeaways

  • Sophisticated case management technology allows users to proactively manage complex customer issues, helping retailers strengthen relationships by improving responsiveness.
  • Manhattan’s order and case management capabilities are natively linked in one system that enables CSRs to manage both ordering and return issues, which improves efficiency and quality.
  • Ordering issues, like delivery delays, automatically create cases so associates can proactively contact customers and find a resolution.
  • Case management tools, such as team-based ticketing and case resolution templates and guides, improve a CSR’s ability to resolve issues quickly and accurately.
  • The case management performance dashboard helps managers closely monitor case resolution performance with the insights needed to make informed decisions that improve performance.

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