Modern Stores are Personal

Personal retailing in the third of the five essential elements of creating modern store experiences. In a world where online shopping is increasingly the norm, personal retailing enables modern stores to stand out and provide value to customers beyond just a purchase transaction.

Download the guide to get recommendations for improving the personal shopping experience in modern stores.

Get a Sneak Peek At the Guide!

Look through some extracts from our guide, complete with recommendations on how to personalize the store experience and create more immersive and meaningful shopping experiences, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

"81% of Gen Z consumers prefer to shop in stores as part of their buying journey, with 73% using stores to discover new products."


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Ready to Enable Truly Personal Experiences?

Manhattan can help you personalize and orchestrate modern store experiences expertly so you can:

› Enable engagement outside of the store
› Improve customer loyalty
› Elevate the store experience

Download your guide to learn how Manhattan can help you personalize the experience.